Report on Children’s and Young People’s Reading 2021 (Denmark)
The project “New knowledge: Children and young people’s reading pleasure and reading communities” is based on a partnership between the Center for Applied School Research and the think tank Fremtidens Libraries. The focal point is a new, national survey of reading and media habits among… Read More »Report on Children’s and Young People’s Reading 2021 (Denmark)

Public spaces, working towards a truly public internet
The National Library of the Netherlands, the Koninklijke Bibliotheek (KB), is part of a coalition called public spaces. I notice that the work and goals of the coalition are getting more traction lately. Therefore I am informing you via this blog. In 2018 — almost thirty years… Read More »Public spaces, working towards a truly public internet

A window into the world: libraries and librarians in prisons
In Portugal, the reality of libraries in prisons is practically unknown. However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist. Since the 19th century, the existence of spaces for reading and learning in prisons has been enshrined in Laws and Regulations. This does not, however, translate… Read More »A window into the world: libraries and librarians in prisons

Implementing a national library strategy
Norway does not have a long tradition of national strategies for libraries. In the last two decades, it is true that both studies[1] and reports to the Storting[2] have been produced that deal with libraries, but it was still an event when the Ministry of… Read More »Implementing a national library strategy

Planning the library network of public libraries in Slovenia
A well-organized, managed and strategically planned library network of organizational units is the foundation for the success of any public library in its local environment. Its basic building entity is the branch library. When the library plans change in its network, it starts from the… Read More »Planning the library network of public libraries in Slovenia

Public Libraries through the eyes of non-users
Not everyone enjoys reading books. As librarians, we wish that everyone could enjoy the multiple benefits of reading, but we have to accept the facts; the existence of a sizable group of reluctant readers for whom reading – but also books and therefore libraries –… Read More »Public Libraries through the eyes of non-users

Digital literacy: Libraries support all age groups to become digital literate
On 24 June, the third “Digitaltag” (Digital Day)[1] is being held in Germany. It is a nationwide day of action for digital participation. The alliance for the Digital Day unites more than 25 organisations from civil society, culture, science, business, welfare, and the public sector.… Read More »Digital literacy: Libraries support all age groups to become digital literate