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Press Release: Helping libraries help Europeans: European library associations release manifesto for European Parliament Elections 2024

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Leading European library associations and organisations have released a manifesto calling on candidates for the European Parliament elections to ensure libraries realise their potential to build a stronger, fairer, more sustainable Europe. Jointly produced by the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA),… Read More »Press Release: Helping libraries help Europeans: European library associations release manifesto for European Parliament Elections 2024


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Libraries are gateways to knowledge and information, from classical literature to the latest research. Indeed, they are for many Europeans, the most local cultural infrastructure, providing a space to be inspired, feel safe, and recharge. Crucially, they fulfil the fundamental human right to participate in… Read More »LIBRARIES FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE

31st EBLIDA Annual Council and Conference and 2nd EBLIDA-NAPLE-PL2030 Event

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The 31st EBLIDA Council & Conference and 2nd EBLIDA–NAPLE–PL2030 Event will take place in Luxembourg, in the National Library, on 18-19 April 2023. A rich program is offered, balancing theoretical issues and careful attention to library practices, with a variety of voices from civil society, as well as (library) professionals,… Read More »31st EBLIDA Annual Council and Conference and 2nd EBLIDA-NAPLE-PL2030 Event

Joint statement: EU Member States recognise the democratic contribution of public libraries

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With the release of the European Union’s Work Plan for Culture 2023-2026, we are delighted to see that it aims to foster the development of libraries and recognises libraries as providers of peaceful and safe environments for vulnerable people and their role in Europe’s democratic,… Read More »Joint statement: EU Member States recognise the democratic contribution of public libraries

Report on Children’s and Young People’s Reading 2021 (Denmark)

The project “New knowledge: Children and young people’s reading pleasure and reading communities” is based on a partnership between the Center for Applied School Research and the think tank Fremtidens Libraries. The focal point is a new, national survey of reading and media habits among… Read More »Report on Children’s and Young People’s Reading 2021 (Denmark)

Libraries for Refugees

EBLIDA, NAPLE and PL2030 join together to reinforce and develop library initiatives for Ukrainian refugees

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All European countries are offering safe places of refuge for millions of people escaping war in Ukraine. European Libraries are peace strongholds amidst the horrible war which followed the Russian attack against Ukraine. It is their duty to provide support and, as far as possible,… Read More »EBLIDA, NAPLE and PL2030 join together to reinforce and develop library initiatives for Ukrainian refugees

Libraries for Ukraine

We – EBLIDA, NAPLE and Public Libraries 2030 – call upon this tradition of libraries to give a warm welcome, a safe place to Ukrainian refugees during this difficult time. Provide them with whatever support they can offer, books and other media as well as access to information and… Read More »Libraries for Ukraine

EBLIDA, NAPLE and PUBLIC LIBRARIES 2030 team up for libraries in Europe

We are delighted to officially announce our cooperation programme with EBLIDA and NAPLE, two major European library organisations! We will pool resources and efforts to strengthen our library work in Europe. This initiative will bring together over 60 European library services and 68 national library… Read More »EBLIDA, NAPLE and PUBLIC LIBRARIES 2030 team up for libraries in Europe

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