Press Release: Helping libraries help Europeans: European library associations release manifesto for European Parliament Elections 2024
Leading European library associations and organisations have released a manifesto calling on candidates for the European Parliament elections to ensure libraries realise their potential to build a stronger, fairer, more sustainable Europe. Jointly produced by the European Bureau of Library, Information and Documentation Associations (EBLIDA),… Read More »Press Release: Helping libraries help Europeans: European library associations release manifesto for European Parliament Elections 2024
Libraries are gateways to knowledge and information, from classical literature to the latest research. Indeed, they are for many Europeans, the most local cultural infrastructure, providing a space to be inspired, feel safe, and recharge. Crucially, they fulfil the fundamental human right to participate in… Read More »LIBRARIES FOR SUSTAINABLE FUTURE

Positive development for public libraries in the Netherlands (okt 2023)
Public Libraries in the Netherlands are in an upward trend. There is an evaluation of the public library law underway and the most important change is a duty of care for municipalities, meaning that there will be a legal obligation to provide a public library… Read More »Positive development for public libraries in the Netherlands (okt 2023)