
Czech National Recovery Plan and opportunities for libraries
The National Recovery Plan (NRP) is a set of reforms and investments that the Czech Republic wants to implement thanks to funding from the European Union, specifically from the Recovery and Resilience Facility, which is part of the EU’s NextGenerationEU recovery support instrument. The transformational… Read More »Czech National Recovery Plan and opportunities for libraries

Users have to navigate a forest of digital services
Summary of the report ”The digital development of the literature market and the role of libraries,” Seismonaut, January 2023. Supported by the Agency for Culture and Palaces, Denmark Users have to navigate a forest of digital services eReolen is a valuable addition to commercial services… Read More »Users have to navigate a forest of digital services

Finland spends six times as much as Germany on public libraries
The article was originally published on the Bok & Bibliotek portal. Published with the permission of the author Arne Olav Hageberg. Scandinavian libraries are in a league of their own. This is shown by a recent comparison of twelve European countries’ spending on public libraries… Read More »Finland spends six times as much as Germany on public libraries

Outcomes of the 3rd Strategic Plan (2019-2023) of the Library Cooperation Council in Spain
As the 3rd Strategic Plan (2019-2023) of Spain’s Library Cooperation Council (Consejo de Cooperación Bibliotecaria, CCB in its Spanish acronym) is stepping into its last year, it is a good time to reflect on the work in progress and the accomplishments already made. The Library… Read More »Outcomes of the 3rd Strategic Plan (2019-2023) of the Library Cooperation Council in Spain

31st EBLIDA Annual Council and Conference and 2nd EBLIDA-NAPLE-PL2030 Event
The 31st EBLIDA Council & Conference and 2nd EBLIDA–NAPLE–PL2030 Event will take place in Luxembourg, in the National Library, on 18-19 April 2023. A rich program is offered, balancing theoretical issues and careful attention to library practices, with a variety of voices from civil society, as well as (library) professionals,… Read More »31st EBLIDA Annual Council and Conference and 2nd EBLIDA-NAPLE-PL2030 Event

Public libraries as accelerators and providers of identity, values and narratives. Agenda 2030 and Open science.
Sharing and caring The very basis of public libraries is recycling, the sharing of collections. Since a couple of years back, the sharing has expanded to include seeds, sewing machines, 3D printers, tools and other items that easily can be shared or circulated and used… Read More »Public libraries as accelerators and providers of identity, values and narratives. Agenda 2030 and Open science.

Joint statement: EU Member States recognise the democratic contribution of public libraries
With the release of the European Union’s Work Plan for Culture 2023-2026, we are delighted to see that it aims to foster the development of libraries and recognises libraries as providers of peaceful and safe environments for vulnerable people and their role in Europe’s democratic,… Read More »Joint statement: EU Member States recognise the democratic contribution of public libraries